The Project Overview
The project is a starting point for people affected by Centrepoint to seek positive outcomes of growth and to find psychologically healthy ways of moving on. The project supports the building of a group of like-minded individuals, with a desire to share and connect, support one another, and above all to integrate and understand past events.
For many people who were damaged by childhood or adolescent years at Centrepoint, the notion that there could be something to restore from that time might seem incongruous, offensive even. Restoration does not mean making good or making right or covering over. It does not mean minimising or diminishing. It means finding a new way to look at the pain, and reframing it into something which did not just happen to people, but instead helping it to become something which people can claim agency over. Restoration means turning a shitty inheritance into something new, gaining control over it, restoring it for people, and for their children. It means one day being able to sit with memories of that time without feeling angry, triggered, traumatised or simply alone with it.
Facilitating restoration and healing
The purpose of the Centrepoint Restoration Project is to facilitate restoration & healing for those who were closely connected to Centrepoint during the years of its activity. The project has the following purposes:
to link participants to others with similar experiences
to support people to share their experiences of the community
to testify to the damage that occurred to Centrepoint children while in the care of Centrepoint adults
to stir within those who need to make amends an understanding of the destructive consequences their choices have produced in the lives of others
to foster a context where healing of relationship can occur
to discuss the difficult issues, and to allow a range of perspectives to have voice
to advocate for and actively model honest and respectful conversation about sexual trauma, thereby participating in a wider societal change
What this project is NOT...
With such a sensitive topic and with personal experiences it is critical that we emphasise what we are focusing on and what this forum is NOT FOR...
It's not an opportunity to name, shame or blame others by either victims, or perpetrators of crime
It's not a place to intellectually debate the validity of other people’s stories. This kind of discourse is highly likely to alienate victims, plus it serves no useful benefit for others, and distracts from the restorative work that needs to occurs to bring healing of relationships
It's not an entry point for people who have limited or no legitimate experience of Centrepoint to gather information, or form connections for personal gain (ie journalists, or commentators). The presence of these people in conversations is highly likely to discourage genuine engagement from others
It's not a place to gather material to pursue criminal conviction
It's not a place to excuse inaction or to offload guilt about neglect of duty, or damaging mistakes. Participation is for people who have repair work to do. It should feel uncomfortable. The work that needs to be done is being avoided if it appeases guilt or excuses injustice.
“If our desire for justice is not rooted primarily in the pursuit of restoration, then reconciliation will be nearly impossible to achieve. It is precisely because grace is undeserved that makes it grace.”

Decult Conference
New Zealand's First Cult Awareness Conference
19-20 October 2024,
Christchurch, New Zealand
Cults cause harm. Coercive control in high-demand groups is a human rights and mental health issue that is not widely recognised yet.
Decult 2024 was a pioneering conference that addressed the pervasive harm inflicted by high-control groups in Aotearoa New Zealand. By giving cult survivors a voice and bringing experts from various fields together, Decult created a unique opportunity for mental health professionals, government departments, law enforcement and first responders to offer better support and prevent cultic harm for the future. The Decult Conference has lead to the development of the Decult Collective a network for professionals working in the field. More cult awareness will improve the wellbeing of vulnerable individuals.
​For more information about further events from the Decult Trust and to learn about the Decult Collective, head to the website.