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The following are a selection of texts and clips, which have been recommended as useful for processing and integrating personal experiences relevant to a history of connection to Centrepoint.
Written Resources
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What Happened to You?

Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Oprah Winfrey and Bruce Perry. Our earliest experiences shape our lives far down the road. This book provides powerful scientific and emotional insights into the behavioural patterns so many of us struggle to understand.

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Kim McGregor, Chief Victims Advisor, has written a practical and compassionate guide for adult survivors of sexual abuse.

Image by Deniz Altindas

An examination of the dynamics of exploitative persuasion and counselling needs. Barri Leslie 2000

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Amanda Montell is a linguist, with a father who left a cult. She explores the different ways cults create their tribe, focusing on the use of the language of insiders and outsiders. A fascinating examination of this critical aspect of coercive control. An easy and light hearted, though thought provoking read



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A book about the two most important words in the English language - I’m sorry - and why it is so hard for many people to say them.



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Truth and Repair

Work from one of the worlds most influential psychiatrists, feminists and trauma experts comes the book asking victims of trauma "how do you envisage justice for you?"

Highly Recommended.

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Growing up in a cult, getting out, and starting over. Interviews were with 65 children born or raised in cults all over the world.

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Something's Not Right

Wade Mullen examines the tactics used by abusive individuals and groups to keep their victims quiet and to shut down any complaints or examination of the harm they do. 

Highly recommended.



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Trauma and Recovery

Judith Herman is the mother of trauma research. This book changed my view of the role of trauma in society, and the actions victims, and bystanders can take to aid the recovery of those impacted by trauma.

High Recommended.

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Clinical psychologist Lindsay Gibson exposes the destructive nature of parents who are emotionally immature or unavailable.

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The Body Keeps the Score

The urgent work of the brain after a traumatic event is to suppress it, through forgetting or self-blame, to avoid being ostracised. But the body does not forget. This excellent book by psychiatrist Bessel Van Der Kolk unpacks the neuroscience.


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This book by Janja Lalich & Madeleine Tobias explores the seductive draw that leads people into cults, provides guidelines for assessing what happened, and tools for getting back on track.

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Difficult Conversations

From the writers behind the Harvard Negation Project comes this little book filed with tips about how to have those very hard conversations without the whole thing dissolving into chaos. Centrepoint kids have a lot of hard conversations to have with the people who let them down, and this little book might help.

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Combatting Cult Mind Control

Steve Hassan's first book is a solid description of the tactics used by harmful groups to control people. This is one of the books that most cult survivors say helped them on their road

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ICSA provides information, education, and help to those adversely affected by or interested in cultic and other high-control groups and relationships.

Video Resources

Heaven & Hell

This 2021 docu-drama tells the story of how Centrepoint came to be and how it fell apart, interviewing people who lived there.

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Dr Harris outlines how childhood trauma affects a person across their whole life-span.

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Bravery Academy

Emma Ferris interviews Caroline about how she found her voice and started her advocacy work.

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Fire-Brown discuss how she turned a childhood of abuse and tragedy into triumph and advocacy. 

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Harriet talks about the power of apologies, and how we can respond to serial non-apologisers.

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Dr Gabor Mate gives a new vision of a society which understands how trauma shapes people.

Audio Resources
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Join Caz, Liz and Lindy as they unpack the cult-play book and examine harmful groups in NZ.

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The Cult Vault

Join Kacey on this UK podcast as she interview Caroline about cult advocacy work in New Zealand.


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Sarah and Nippy interview survivors of cults and experts in all things culty, in this podcast series about getting out.

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Rachel Bernstein is a therapist with 30 years experience in cult recovery. This podcast is a resource for survivors who want to understand.

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Let's Talk about Sects

Sarah Steele hosts her award winning podcast show which examines cults around the world

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Revolving Door Syndrome

Nina Su talks to Caroline about surviving Centrepoint and her advocacy work in medicine to educate doctors and other frontline staff about cults.

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2023 : Centrepoint Restoration Project 

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