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Sharing Stories

Every story matters.


If you have a story of living at Centrepoint it is a

story that matters.


Sharing your story has power to bring about change in your life, and in the lives of others

Sharing our stories with other people enables us to make sense of what happened to us, to integrate the memories into our life experience, and to connect with people who understand what it was like. It also breaks down barriers formed by misunderstanding and lack of information. Telling your story requires a lot of trust. 


Ways to tell your story 

People's experiences of life at Centrepoint have things in common, but equally, experiences were varied and diverse. Your experiences may have little in common with other people who lived there. People also have differing needs and differing capacities for 'going there'.


The Centrepoint Restoration Project is attempting to assist people to find ways to tell their stories, such that each person has control, feels that their personal growth has benefited from this, and so that they are not re-traumatised or stigmatised by the experience. Telling your story may be as simple as seeking out a professional therapeutic relationship. Unfortunately, the treatment options of psychotherapy and counselling have been ruined for many by the therapy-abuse which occurred at Centrepoint.


What is clear though, is that as many as 40 years have gone by since people lived at Centrepoint, and for many people time has not healed anything. Keeping silent has not helped, and pretending that it didn't matter has achieved nothing. 



Cult Chat was launched in mid 2023. Its goal is to increase awareness about cult activity in New Zealand, shine the light on the activities of harmful groups, and address issues for survivors such as re-entry into society and long term recovery.

Cult Chat is hosted Dr Caroline Ansley, Lindy Jacomb and Liz Gregory and is supported by Centrepoint Restoration Project

This is not my shame

In a moving interview with John Campbell, Kate, Rachel and Caroline tell some of their stories.

"It's about the ongoing silence. There's so many people who don't feel they can talk. But it's really about standing up and saying, 'This is not my shame. I don't have to carry it,'" 

Adults who failed us need to step up

Caroline Ansley talks to Jim Mora on Radio New Zealand to discuss the documentary and how a way forward need to be found that changes the discourse around the Centrepoint story.

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The Commune by Stuff

June 2022

A team of journalists have collaborated with former members, children and teens of Centrepoint Community to tell the full story of the community. Many people have been interviewed who have never spoken out before. Following the personal journey of a few key characters, this riveting "whydunnit" explores why the community started, developed and ended as it did, and what now needs to be done.​

If we do not transform our pain, we will most assuredly transmit it. 

Richard Rohr

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2023 : Centrepoint Restoration Project 

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